The Movement Plan

1) We take a detailed history and find the base line of you abilities of your current complaint.
2) We will move you in different directions to see which one you need.
3) Repeat that movement to help with your pain.
4) Deliver an adjustment!
Full Services
Diversified Technique
The adjustments that is delivered here at Platte City Chiropractic is commonly known at Diversified. This technique starts off with palpation of the spine to analyze what areas of the spine are restricted. After the areas of restriction is found within the spine, a specific adjustments is delivered. The adjustment will remove the restriction in the spine to help reset the joint. This usually will be done by hand but in certain situations this may be done by an Activator.

McKenzie Method

This method of treatment uses specific exercises to reduce the symptoms of the patient. The way this is done is by repeating certain movements and seeing how the body responds to them. If the movement starts to decrease the symptoms that you have, we have found a "directional preference". When this is found, we have found what your body needs to heal itself.
Manual Muscle Work
Along with keeping the spine healthy with adjustments, muscles can be the cause of the pain. While Mckenzie Method does help muscle stretch and relax, that may not always be enough. When this happens there are several types of specific muscle work that can help. Theses types can include Pin & Stretch, PIR Stretching, Trigger Point Therapy and others.

Maintenance Care
You take your car to the shop when it's not running right. You also take your car in for regular tune ups, to keep them running longer without breakdowns. So, why wouldn't you do that for yourself? That's what wellness care is, a tune up for your spine. Its meant to keep you running longer with out "breaking down" (having neck pain for several days or having your back going out). I am the mechanic your spine needs!